Pennsylvania Clergy Accused Of Sexual Abuse
Thousands of innocent children have experienced sexual abuse at the hands of the very people they and their families trust the most—their priests and pastors. These children suffered in silence while the churches protected the abusers. Today, their identities have been exposed, so they can finally be held accountable for the serious harm they have caused.
The vast number of clergy members who have sexually abused vulnerable children since the 1940s is shocking, and this pattern of abuse has tragically continued in silence. The abusers who frightened children into silence with threats of going to hell enjoyed the protection of the church while they continued to harm children in the most profound manner possible.
The Pennsylvania clergy abuse lawyers at Cordisco & Saile help survivors hold the abusers and the churches that facilitated the abuse accountable by exposing the wrongdoing and recovering financial compensation from the churches for the harm caused.
If a priest or protestant minister has abused you, our compassionate attorneys will believe you and fight for you as your fiercest advocates. We have helped thousands of injured clients recover substantial compensation for injuries that were not their fault, and we can help you too. Contact us today for a free, confidential consultation.
For many survivors, the pain of clergy sexual abuse for Pennsylvania survivors will never go away. We hope our clients will experience a renewed sense of empowerment, initiating a restorative healing process. We believe bringing these misdeeds to light is an important step in facilitating such a process.
This is why we have compiled a comprehensive list of Pennsylvania priests and protestant pastors who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse. Below is a list of accused Catholic priests in Pennsylvania, which numbers in the 600s, that we hope will help you identify the name and status of priests and protestant pastors who have been exposed for committing acts of sexual violence.
These so-called men of God have been accused of such heinous acts against children as the following:
- Fondling or forcing children to fondle them
- Oral, anal, and genital penetration
- Production of pornographic material
- Inappropriate sexual relationships with children
- Forcing children to remove clothing
- Exposing themselves to children
The number of children abused by these clergy members probably numbers in the thousands. In all likelihood, more clergy members yet to be exposed have abused children. We will continue to update this page as new accusations come to light.
148 Accused Priests
130 Accused Priests
82 Accused Priests
70 Accused Priests
60 Accused Priests
60 Accused Priests
51 Accused Priests
28 Accused Priests
Archdiocese of Philadelphia Accused Priests
The largest group of priests accused of sexual abuse comes from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, with 148 accused priests, including the following:
- Fr. Edward V. Avery
- Fr. William G. Ayres
- Fr. Philip R. Barr
- Fr. James J. Behan
- Fr. Michael C. Bolesta
- Fr. John F. Bowe
- Fr. H. Cornell Bradley
- Bishop Michael J. Bransfield
- Fr. James J. Brennan
- Fr. Robert L. Brennan
- Fr. Leonard W. Broughan
- Fr. Craig F. Brugger
- Fr. James J. Brzyski
- Fr. George B. Cadwallader
- Fr. Raymond J. Cahill
- Fr. Hugh P. Campbell
- Fr. John A. Cannon
- Fr. Paul A. Castellani
- Fr. Pasquale R. Catullo
- Fr. Gerard W. Chambers
- Fr. Michael A. Chapman
- Fr. Arthur B. Chappell
- Fr. John A. Close
- Fr. Richard J. Cochrane
- Fr. James J. Collins
- Deacon Michael F. Conroy
- Fr. James J. Coonan
- Br. George A. Costigan
- Fr. Nicholas V. Cudemo
- Fr. William E. Dean
- Fr. John J. Delli Carpini
- Fr. Edward M. DePaoli
- Fr. Joseph L. DiGregorio
- Fr. Richard D. Dolan
- Fr. Michael J. Donofrio
- Fr. John C. Dougherty
- Fr. William J. Dougherty
- Fr. Philip J. Dowling
- Fr. Peter J. Dunne
- Fr. Ernest A. Durante
- Fr. Thomas J. Durkin
- Fr. James M. Dux
- Fr. Charles F. Engelhardt
- Fr. Francis S. Feret
- Fr. Mark E. Fernandes
- Fr. J. Michael Flood
- Fr. Peter J. Foley
- Fr. Leonard A. Furmanski
- Fr. Robert W. Gaghan
- Fr. Francis J. Gallagher
- Fr. Joseph J. Gallagher
- Fr. Joseph P. Gallagher
- Fr. Stanley M. Gana
- Fr. Armand D. Garcia
- Fr. Mark S. Gaspar
- Fr. Joseph P. Gausch
- Fr. Francis A. Giliberti
- Fr. John E. Gillespie
- Deacon Charles Ginn, Jr.
- Fr. David W. Givey
- Fr. Joseph M. Glatts
- Fr. Thomas J. Grumm
- Fr. David I. Hagan
- Fr. Steven Harris
- Fr. Mark J. Haynes
- Fr. James T. Henry
- Fr. Robert J. Hermley
- Fr. Gerard J. Hoffman
- Br. Regis Howitz
- Fr. Daniel J. Hoy
- Fr. John F. Hummell
- Fr. James M. Iannarella
- Fr. Stanley Janowski
- Fr. Richard G. Jones
- Fr. William T. Joseph
- Fr. William N. Killian
- Fr. John Kline
- Fr. Thomas M. Kohler
- Fr. Louis J. Kolenkiewicz
- Fr. Matthew J. Kornacki
- Fr. Albert T. Kostelnick
- Fr. Edward P. Kuczynski
- Fr. Dexter A. Lanctot
- Fr. David T. Lawlor
- Fr. Raymond O. Leneweaver
- Fr. John R. Liggio
- Fr. Joseph L. Logrip
- Fr. Christopher D. Lucas
- Fr. Joseph E. Macanga
- Fr. Steven J. Marinucci
- Fr. Nilo C. Martins
- Fr. George J. Mazzotta
- Fr. Joseph F. McCafferty
- Fr. Michael J. McCarthy
- Fr. John F. McCole
- Fr. Charles P. McColgan
- Fr. Andrew D. McCormick
- Fr. James McDonnell
- Fr. James J. McGinnis III
- Fr. James E. McGuire
- Fr. Joseph M. McKenzie
- Fr. Richard J. McLoughlin
- Fr. John F. Meyers
- Fr. Donald J. Mills
- Fr. Joseph R. Monahan
- Fr. John H. Mulholland
- Fr. John J. Murray
- Fr. Michael G. Murtha
- Fr. Zachary Navit
- Fr. Henry Nawn
- Fr. Charles Newman
- Fr. Martin O’Hara
- Fr. John P. Paul
- Fr. Justin Paul Pechulis
- Fr. Stephen B. Perzan
- Fr. Leonard Peterson
- Fr. Terrance Pinkowski
- Fr. Theodore Podson
- Fr. Anthony W. Polini
- Fr. Robert Povish
- Fr. Richard T. Powers
- Fr. John D. Reardon
- Fr. Francis P. Rogers
- Fr. Thomas Rooney
- Fr. Robert F. Ryan
- Fr. Joseph F. Sabadish
- Fr. William L. Santry
- Fr. Martin J. Satchell
- Fr. Charles J. Schaeflein
- Fr. John P. Schmeer
- Fr. Thomas F. Shea
- Fr. David C. Sicoli
- Fr. Charles J. Siegele
- Fr. Raymond W. Smart
- Fr. Edward J. Smith
- Fr. Thomas J. Smith
- Fr. DePaul Sobotka
- Fr. Louis M. Steingraber
- Fr. Michael W. Swierzy
- Fr. Peter Talocci
- Fr. Arthur I. Taraborelli
- Fr. Carmen F. Taraborelli
- Fr. Joseph W. Thomas
- Fr. Francis X. Trauger
- Fr. Aloysius H. Vath
- Fr. David E. Walls
- Fr. Sylwester Wiejata
- Fr. Thomas J. Wisniewski
Diocese of Pittsburgh Accused Priests
As many as 130 priests in the Diocese of Pittsburgh have been accused of sexual abuse, including the following:
- Fr. Alvin J. Adams
- Fr. James R. Adams
- Fr. James L. Armstrong
- Fr. John M. Bauer
- Cardinal Anthony Joseph Bevilacqua
- Br. Jerome Binder
- Fr. Anthony G. Bosco
- Fr. John E. Brueckner
- Fr. Leo R. Burchianti
- Fr. Robert J. Castelucci
- Fr. Mauro J. Cautela
- Fr. Robert J. Cedolia
- Fr. Charles J. Chatt
- Fr. John R. Chess
- Fr. Anthony J. Cipolla
- Fr. Bernard B. Costello
- Fr. Paul R. Coyle
- Fr. John David Crowley
- Deacon Rosendo F. Dacal
- Fr. Charles E. Demblowski
- Fr. Ferdinand B. Demsher
- Fr. Myles Eric Diskin
- Fr. John F. Doherty
- Fr. Jason R. Dolan
- Fr. Jerome T. Doody
- Fr. Richard J. Dorsch
- Fr. James Downs
- Fr. David F. Dzermejko
- Fr. Ralph J. Esposito
- Fr. Joseph F. Feltz
- Fr. John P. Fitzgerald
- Fr. Henry J. Donabedian
- Fr. Joseph M. Ganter
- Fr. John A. Geinzer
- Fr. Cornelius E. Gildea
- Fr. Richard Ginder
- Fr. Joseph C. Girdis
- Fr. James G. Graham
- Br. Bernard Joseph Hartman
- Br. William Charles Hildebrand
- Fr. John Hoehl
- Fr. John R. Huber
- Fr. Edward G. Huff
- Fr. Edward G. Joyce
- Fr. Marvin Justi
- Fr. Bernard J. Kaczmarczyk
- Fr. Joseph D. Karabin
- Fr. Matthew F. Kebe
- Br. John J. Keegan
- Br. William J. Kiefer
- Br. James H. Kline
- Fr. Francis S. Koryak
- Fr. Henry R. Krawczyk
- Fr. Edward L. Kryston
- Fr. Anujit Kumar
- Fr. George A. Kurutz
- Fr. Hugh J. Lang
- Fr. George T. Leech
- Fr. Richard M. Lelonis
- Fr. Albert J. Leonard
- Fr. Casimir F. Lewandowski
- Fr. John J. Lukasik
- Fr. Edward C. Maliszewski
- Fr. John P. Maloney
- Br. Julius F. May
- Fr. William J. McCashin
- Fr. Dominic E. McGee
- Fr. Thomas J. McKenna
- Fr. Donald W. Mcllvane
- Fr. Albert McMahon
- Fr. John H. McMahon
- Br. Francis Meder
- Fr. Robert L. Mellott
- Fr. Arthur R. Merrell
- Deacon John C. Miller
- Fr. Cosmas Minster
- Br. Ralph A. Mravintz
- Fr. Joseph A. Mueller
- Fr. Richard J. Mueller
- Fr. Anthony J. Muszynski
- Fr. Kenneth E. Myers
- Fr. John J. O’Brien
- Fr. Lawrence A. O’Connell
- Fr. Thomas M. O’Donnell
- Fr. William P. O’Malley III
- Fr. William R. O’Brien
- Fr. Ernest C. Paone
- Fr. George J. Parme
- Fr. Peter R. Pilarski
- Fr. Paul E. Pindel
- Fr. Francis Pucci
- Fr. John W. Rebel
- Fr. Joseph W. Reschick
- Fr. Raymond R. Rhoden
- Fr. Edward A. Ricards
- Fr. Carl M. Roemele
- Fr. Michael C. Romero
- Fr. Oswald E. Romero
- Fr. David E.F. Scharf
- Fr. Richard Scherer
- Fr. Raymond T. Schultz
- Fr. Francis A. Siler
- Fr. Rudolph M. Silvers
- Fr. Edward M. Smith
- Fr. Lawrence R. Smith
- Fr. Thomas E. Smith
- Fr. James E. Somma
- Fr. Bartley A. Sorensen
- Fr. Robert E. Spangenberg
- Fr. Paul G. Spisak
- Fr. Vincent Stancelewski
- Fr. Lawrence F. Stebler
- Rev. James L. Stewart
- Fr. Andrew J. Suran
- Fr. Richard Gerard Terdine
- Fr. Charles A. Thomas
- Fr. Daniel J. Tisak
- Br. David Trichtinger
- Fr. John M. Unger
- Alberta Veri
- Fr. John W. Wellinger
- Fr. Joseph S. Wichmanowski
- Fr. Thomas R. Wilson
- Fr. George A. Wilt
- Fr. Robert G. Wolk
- Fr. William B. Yockey
- Fr. Theodore P. Zabowski
- Fr. George Zirwas
- Fr. Stanislaus J. Zolnierzak
- Fr. Richard F. Zula
Diocese of Scranton Accused Priests
A total of 82 priests in the Diocese of Scranton have allegedly sexually abused children, including the following:
- Fr. Philip A. Altavilla
- Fr. Girard F. Angelo
- Fr. Mark G. Balczeniuk
- Fr. Joseph P. Bonner
- Fr. Martin M. Boylan
- Fr. Robert J. Brague
- Fr. Francis T Brennan
- Fr. Joseph Bucolo
- Fr. Gerald J. Burns
- Fr. Leo A. Burns
- Fr. Robert N. Caparelli
- Fr. Robert Capparelli
- Fr. Christopher R. Clay
- Fr. Joseph T. Conboy
- Fr. Anthony P. Conmy
- Fr. Francis Patrick Corcoran
- Fr. J. Peter Crynes
- Fr. William R. Culnane
- Fr. Raymond L. Deviney
- Fr. Donald J. Dorsey
- Fr. John J. Dzurko
- Fr. Eric Ensey
- Fr. James F. Farry
- Fr. James F. Fedor
- Fr. Ralph N. Ferraldo
- Fr. Philip Ferrara
- Fr. Walter L. Ferrett
- Fr. Austin E. Flanagan
- Fr. Joseph D. Flannery
- Fr. Martin J. Fleming
- Fr. Conran Free
- Fr. Edward F. Gallagher
- Fr. Robert J. Gibson
- Fr. Joseph P. Gilgallon
- Fr. James Joseph Gormley
- Fr. Joseph A. Griffin
- Fr. Joseph T. Hammond
- Fr. Alex J. Hazzouri
- Fr. Charles W. Heid
- Fr. P. Lawrence Homer
- Fr. Joseph F. Houston
- Fr. Thomas M. Jordan
- Fr. James J. Kane
- Fr. Joseph P. Kelly
- Fr. Francis G. Kulig
- Fr. Albert M. Liberatore, Jr.
- Fr. Gregory F. Loughney
- Fr. John A. Madaj
- Fr. Louis Mako
- Fr. James M. McAuliffe
- Fr. Hugh Harold McGroarty
- Fr. Neil P. McLaughlin
- Fr. Joseph F. Meighan
- Fr. Russell E. Motsay
- Fr. James F. Nolan
- Fr. John A. O’Neill
- Fr. Albert E. Oldfield
- Fr. William Jeffrey Paulish
- Fr. John A. Pender
- Clare Pisaneschi
- Fr. Mark Plaushin
- Fr. Michael G. Polcha
- Fr. Michael J. Pulicare
- Fr. Julius Reiner
- Fr. Mark T. Rossetti
- Fr. Robert N. Shilala
- Fr. Edward J. Shoback
- Fr. Thomas P. Shoback
- Fr. Thomas D. Skotek
- Fr. Thomas J. Sokolowski
- Fr. Thomas E. Stahurski
- Fr. John J. Tamalis
- Fr. Virgil Bradley Tetherow
- Fr. Robert M. Timchak
- Fr. Dominic C. Tomkiewicz
- Fr. George J. Tribendis
- Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity
- Fr. Sebastian Vadakekottaram
- Fr. Lawrence P. Weniger
- Fr. William J. Wheeler
- Fr. Joseph B. Wilson
- Fr. Steven J. Wolpert
Diocese of Harrisburg Accused Priests
In the Diocese of Harrisburg, 70 accused priests have been identified. They include the following:
- Seminarian Alexander Dario Agudelo Cano
- Seminarian Francis Allen, II
- Fr. John G. Allen
- Fr. Francis Bach
- Fr. Luis Jesus Barajas Arias
- Fr. James W. Beeman
- Fr. Michael X. Bennett
- Fr. John P. Bolen
- Fr. John Raymond Bostwick, III
- Fr. Frederick R. Bradel
- Fr. Joseph A. Bradley
- Rev. Martin T. Brown
- Fr. Ronald Chiasson
- Fr. Donald W. Cramer
- Fr. Patrick A. D’Alessandro
- Deacon John A. Rocco
- Fr. Philip DeChico
- Fr. Raymond E. Dougherty
- Fr. Joseph H. Driscoll
- Fr. Paul R. Fisher
- Fr. Vincent J. Smith
- Fr. Joseph G. Gotwalt
- Fr. Stanislaus J. Grondziowski
- Fr. Lawrence C. Gross
- Deacon Donald Hackman
- Fr. Joseph Hager
- Fr. Thomas Ronald Haney
- Fr. William T. Haviland
- Fr. John Herber
- Seminarian Philip A. Hower
- Fr. Francis Hudak
- Fr. Kevin L. Kayda
- Fr. Joseph F. Klespis
- Fr. George J. Koychick
- Fr. Victor Kriley
- Fr. Thomas J. Kujovsky
- Seminarian Kevin Labuda
- Fr. Thomas F. Lawler
- Fr. George V. Lentocha
- Deacon Robert Logue
- Fr. Arthur J. Long
- Fr. David H. Luck
- Fr. Robert J. Maher
- Fr. Daniel Joseph Mahoney
- Fr. Guy D. Marsico
- Fr. Anthony J. McGinley
- Fr. Francis T. Menei
- Fr. Ibarra C. Mercado
- Fr. Neil J. Murphy
- Fr. James E. Noel
- Fr. Lawrence R. Overbaugh
- Fr. Joseph M. Pease
- Fr. Charles Procopio
- Fr. Guido Miguel Quiroz Reyes
- Fr. Stephen M. Rolko
- Deacon James Rush
- Fr. Thomas A. Scala
- Seminarian Bryan Schlager
- Fr. Walter A. Sempko
- Fr. Herbert J. Shank
- Fr. Timothy Sperber
- Fr. Carl J. Steffen
- Fr. John J. Suknaic
- Fr. Francis J. Taylor
- Seminarian John Tokarick, Jr.
- Fr. Frederick J. Vaughn
- Deacon James Vecera
- Fr. Cletus H. Wagman
- Fr. Salvatore V. Zangari
- Fr. Richard Zumpino
Diocese of Allentown Accused Priests
The Diocese of Allentown has 60 priests who have been accused of sexual abuse, which are listed below:
- Fr. James J. Agosta
- Fr. John S. Baruch
- Fr. Thomas J. Bender
- Fr. Thomas J. Benestad
- Fr. Luis A. Bonilla Margarito
- Fr. Robert G. Cofenas
- Fr. Edward W. Coleman
- Fr. David Connell
- Fr. Thomas A. Derzack
- Fr. Felix C. Fink
- Fr. Bernard A. Flanagan
- Fr. Richard J. Ford
- Fr. Stephen T Forish
- Fr. Francis J. Fromholzer
- Fr. James F. Gaffney
- Fr. Joseph D. Galko
- Fr. Edward G. Ganster
- Fr. Francis T. Gillespie
- Fr. David C. Gillis
- Fr. Richard J. Giuliani
- Fr. Edward R. Graff
- Fr. Joseph L. Grembocki
- Fr. Stephen J. Halabura
- Fr. Leo J. Houseknecht
- Fr. Joseph D. Hulko
- Fr. William E. Jones
- Fr. Joseph H. Kean
- Fr. Thomas J. Kerestus
- Fr. Bronislaus J. Kopec
- Fr. Robert J. Kuzmann
- Fr. Michael S. Lawrence
- Fr. Kevin Lonergan
- Fr. William J. Maslar
- Fr. Joseph L. Mathis
- Fr. William T. McCandless
- Fr. James J. McHale
- Fr. Francis Joseph McNelis
- Fr. James J. Mihalak
- Fr. John Stephen Mraz
- Fr. Francis A. Nave
- Fr. Gabriel M. Patil
- Fr. Robert J. Potts
- Fr. Paul G. Puza
- Fr. Dennis A. Rigney
- Fr. Joseph A. Rock
- Fr. Gerald J. Royer
- Fr. Charles J. Ruffenach
- Fr. John Pascal Sabas
- Fr. Edward Sacks
- Fr. William J. Shields
- Fr. Stephen F. Shigo
- Fr. David A. Soderlund
- Sr. Ann Marie Paul
- Fr. Henry E. Strassner
- Fr. Bruno M. Tucci
- Fr. A. Gregory Uhrig
- Fr. Andrew Aloysius Ulincy
- Fr. Ronald J. Yarrosh
- Fr. Joseph A. Zmijewski
- Fr. John G. Zolondek
Diocese of Erie Accused Priests
The Diocese of Erie is also home to 60 accused priests, which are listed below:
- Fr. Michael J. Amy
- Fr. Stephen A. Anderson
- Fr. Raymond J. Balko
- Rev. Michael G. Barletta
- Fr. Donald Bolton
- Fr. Robert F. Bower
- Fr. Dennis C. Chludzinski
- Fr. Bonaventure M. Ciufoli
- Fr. Donald J. Cooper
- Fr. Kevin E. Cray
- Fr. G. Matthew Daly
- Fr. David V. Dobrowolski
- Fr. Gregory P. Furjanic
- Fr. Chester J. Gawronski
- Fr. Herbert G. Gloekler
- Fr. Robert E. Hannon
- Fr. Patrick J. Healy
- Fr. James F. Hopkins
- Fr. Barry M. Hudock
- Fr. Joseph W. Jerge
- Fr. Stephen E. Jeselnick
- Fr. Edward W. Jungquist
- Fr. Charles A. Kaza
- Fr. Thomas C. Kelley
- Fr. Sean P. Kerins
- Fr. Gary L. Ketcham
- Fr. Thaddeus T. Kondzielski
- Fr. Conrad L. Kraus
- Fr. Gerard H. Krebs
- Fr. Jerome Kucan
- Fr. Fidelis G. Lazar
- Fr. Thomas M. Lechner
- Fr. Louis H. Lorei
- Fr. Salvatore P. Luzzi
- Fr. Richard D. Lynch
- Fr. Daniel J. Martin
- Fr. H. Desmond McGee, Jr.
- Fr. Joseph F. Meisinger
- Fr. Leon T. Muroski
- Br. Edmundus Murphy
- Fr. John L. Murray
- Fr. Giles L. Nealen
- Fr. Jan C. Olowin
- Fr. Andrew W. Pawlaczyk
- Fr. John A. Piatkowski
- Fr. David Poulson
- Fr. William F. Presley
- Fr. Joseph V. Reszkowski
- Fr. William A. Rice
- Fr. Jerome Rupprecht
- Fr. John P. Schanz
- Fr. Charles R. Schmitt
- Fr. Charles A. Sheets, Jr.
- Mary Carmel Skeabeck
- Fr. Samuel B. Slocum
- Fr. Thomas E. Smith
- Fr. Thomas Snyderwine
- Fr. Daniel J. Taylor
- Seminarian John Tome
- Fr. Patrick B. Vallimont
Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown Accused Priests
There are 51 accused priests from the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown:
- Fr. Francis Ackerson
- Fr. David Arsenault
- Fr. Joseph J. Bender
- Fr. Harold N. Biller
- Fr. Peter Bodenschatz
- Fr. Charles F. Bodziak
- Fr. John J. Boyle
- Fr. Martin Alfred Brady
- Fr. James F. Bunn
- Fr. Harold J. Burkhardt
- Fr. Andrew S. Campbell
- Fr. Thomas M. Carroll
- Fr. Athanasius C. Cherry
- Fr. Martin A. Cingle
- Fr. Dennis E. Coleman
- Fr. James B. Coveney
- Fr. Alvin T. Downey
- Fr. Donald W. Dusza
- Fr. Mario Fabbri
- Fr. Elwood F. Figurelle
- Fr. Joseph Gaborek
- Fr. Stephen J. Gergel
- Fr. Bernard V. Grattan
- Fr. Leonard Inman
- Fr. Robert Joseph Kelly
- Fr. George D. Koharchik
- Fr. William Kovach
- Deacon Thomas M. Lemmon
- Fr. Germain Lieb
- Fr. Anthony M. Little
- Fr. Francis E. Luddy
- Fr. Thomas K. Mabon
- Fr. Nicholas J. Mancini
- Fr. Joseph D Maurizio
- Fr. Robert C. Mazur
- Fr. Francis B. McCaa
- Fr. Martin D. McCamley
- Fr. Matthew E. Misurda
- Fr. Regis Myers
- Br. Christian Neetz
- Fr. Daniel F. O’Friel
- Fr. John J. Palko
- Fr. Anthony J. Petracca
- Fr. Gerard J. Ream
- Seminarian Leonard Riforgiato
- Fr. David R. Rizzo
- Fr. William A. Rosensteel
- Fr. James F. Skupien
- Fr. Joseph J. Strittmatter
- Fr. Raymond Waldruff
- Fr. Benedict Wolf
Diocese of Greensburg Accused Priests
The Diocese of Greensburg has 28 accused priests, which are listed below:
- Fr. Leonard J. Bealko
- Fr. Michael Bienia
- Fr. Joseph E. Bonafed
- Fr. James W. Clark
- Fr. Dennis F. Dellamalva
- Fr. Gregory Flohr
- Fr. Mark F. X. Gruber
- Fr. Charles B. Guth
- Fr. Andrew M. Kawecki
- Fr. Francis M. Lesniak
- Fr. Raymond Lukac
- Fr. Henry J. Marcinek
- Fr. Stanley Markiewicz
- Fr. Michael W. Matusak
- Fr. Robert Moslener
- Fr. John J. Nyeste
- Fr. Fabian G. Oris
- Fr. Emil Payer
- Fr. George R. Pierce
- Fr. Gregory F. Premoshis
- Fr. Leonard Sanesi
- Fr. Roger A. Sinclair
- Fr. Joseph L. Sredzinski
- Fr. John Thomas Sweeney
- Fr. Joseph A. Tamilowski
- Fr. Roger J. Trott
- Fr. Herman F. Ubinger
- Fr. Charles A. Weber
Accused Protestant Ministers in Pennsylvania
Although the Catholic Church has received extensive publicity for the sexual abuse of children by priests, the problem is not isolated to that denomination. In fact, there is no evidence that Catholic priests are more likely than others to sexually abuse children, according to Psychology Today.
Several scandals in other denominations have also come to light in recent years. We have highlighted the Pennsylvania cases involving sexual abuse by protestant ministers that have been made public.
We suspect that the number of protestant ministers in Pennsylvania that have sexually abused children is significantly higher than the number that has been exposed thus far.

Southern Baptist Convention Pastors
An investigation by the independent investigative organization Guidepost Solutions discovered that more than 200 Southern Baptist ministers have been accused of sexually abusing more than 700 children while the denominational leadership protected the abusers and intimidated victims who reported the abuse.
The Daily Voice identified six Southern Baptist ministers with ties to Pennsylvania who have been accused of sexual abuse. Some names and identifying information have been redacted while investigations are ongoing.
Otis Joseph
Otis Joseph was a choir leader, teacher, and camp counselor at Bright Hope Baptist Church in Philadelphia. He was convicted of sexually abusing five girls from 1998 to 2005.
Rudolph B. Walls
Rudolph B. Walls, a 43-year-old former associate pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Harrisburg, was sued and sentenced on criminal charges to serve up to two years in prison for the molestation of a male teenager. He was already on probation when the allegation came forward.
Scott Sechrist
Scott Sechrist was a pastor at First Baptist Church in Morrisville. He was charged with 20 counts of involuntary deviant sexual intercourse, 10 counts of statutory rape, and 10 counts of aggravated indecent assault for raping a 9-year-old girl and continuing to abuse her for two years. He committed suicide before the case went to trial.
David Pearson
David Pearson is a former pastor at West Side Baptist Church in Sharpsville who is listed on the National Sex Offender Registry as of 1993 after being convicted of aggravated criminal sexual assault of a child in Denton, Texas. The church in Pennsylvania was disfellowshipped in February of 2021.
Unnamed Deacon
A 34-year-old deacon in Pennsylvania, whose name has been redacted, was arrested for abusing eight girls ages three to 14.
Unnamed Pastor
A pastor whose name has been redacted was sued for grooming a teen for a physical relationship shortly after turning 18, in which he is accused of exploiting and manipulating her “to satisfy his own sexual desires.” The name of the Pennsylvania church he pastored has been redacted, and it has since become an independent church.
Jehovah’s Witnesses
In February 2023, Fox News reported that five Jehovah’s Witnesses were indicted on various sex abuse charges. These men were not clergy but allegedly used their faith communities to access children for sexual abuse. Parents often trust members of their faith communities as safe.
Marc Brown
Marc Brown was a 65-year-old member of the Jehovah’s Witness congregation in Allegheny County. According to the complaint, he became the legal guardian for two girls he sexually assaulted between 2004 and 2006. According to a press release by the acting state Attorney General, the girls were sisters aged 10 and 13.
Abimael Valentin-Matos
Abimael Valentin-Matos is a 42-year-old member of the Jehovah’s Witness congregation in Lancaster County. He is accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl who was also a congregation member. According to the victim’s testimony, Velentin-Matos was “courting” her and promised to marry her.
Raymond Shultz
Raymond Schultz is a 74-year-old Jehovah’s Witness from Beaver County who is accused of sexually abusing his granddaughters while they were between the ages of five and ten.
Kevin Isovitsch
Kevin Isovitsch is a 51-year-old Jehovah’s Witness from Butler County accused of sexually assaulting his nine-year-old niece.
Norman Aviles
Norman Aviles is a 44-year-old elder in the Jehovah’s Witness congregation in Lancaster County. He is accused of molesting at least three children between the ages of five and ten. His position in the church enabled him to gain parents’ trust and access to children.
Cordisco & Saile LLC Helps Sexual Abuse Survivors Get Justice Throughout Pennsylvania
If clergy in Pennsylvania have sexually abused you or your child, the church or faith community may have played a role in the abuse. A church has a legal duty to provide a safe environment free of sexual predators and to investigate and report sexual abuse when it occurs.
A church is supposed to provide a safe haven where members can develop their spirituality and find solace. When priests, church leaders, and congregation members violate that sacred trust by sexually abusing a child, they commit the ultimate betrayal and cause permanent, immeasurable harm.
The fact that the Catholic Church and other churches have looked the other way on such a broad scale is incomprehensible. If you or your loved one has experienced the shattering effects of sexual abuse in the church, the church should have to answer for the harm you have suffered.
Our attorneys can help you hold the diocese, denomination, or church accountable and recover substantial compensation so that you can move forward in the healing process. We consistently win remarkable settlements and verdicts for our clients, from thousands to millions, due to our passion and dedication to each client.
While we understand that financial compensation cannot undo the damage that has been done, it can provide financial relief for the high cost of childhood sexual abuse.
For us, each client is more than a number. Our clients know that we truly care about them and fight for them with everything we have. We regularly receive client testimonials such as the following:

Mr. Saile and his team worked diligently on my case which ultimately led to a successful settlement…Mr. Saile and his team are kind-hearted and trustworthy individuals who have compassion for their clients and a passion for their job. I highly recommend Cordisco & Saile, LLC.
–Elizabeth E., Google reviews
Contact us now to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We represent survivors in all of Pennsylvania and have personal injury offices in the following locations:
- Bensalem
- Bethlehem
- Bristol
- Doylestown
- Langhorne
- Norristown
- Quakertown
- Allentown