For motorcyclists who love to use their bikes for taking trips, trip interruption insurance coverage can be an extremely valuable thing to have. If you’re a motorcyclist, here’s what you need to know about trip interruption coverage.
What is trip interruption coverage?
Trip interruption coverage is insurance coverage that pays for part of the cost of your trip in the event that your motorcycle is rendered unusable. Oftentimes, this coverage is bought with other coverage options, such as roadside assistance coverage or accessory coverage.
In order for trip interruption coverage to apply, the trip interruption must occur a certain number of miles from the policyholder’s place of residence (such as 100 miles), and must be attributed to an unusable motorcycle. Proof that lodging and meals have been paid for will be required in order to be compensated via trip interruption coverage.
As such, transaction receipts or bank statements are a must. If payments for lodging or food were made in cash and/or receipts were not kept and payment cannot be proven, then a policyholder may forfeit his/her right to reclaim compensation.
What does trip interruption coverage cover?
The specific coverage amounts are dependent upon the insurance company you choose and the agreed upon insurance policy. In most cases, though, trip interruption coverage will pay up to a certain amount of money for meals and hotels that are required because of a trip interruption.
Is trip interruption coverage required?
Trip interruption coverage is not required under Pennsylvania law. The three forms of insurance that a motorcyclist is required under the law to carry are as follows.
- $15,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per person
- $30,000 in bodily injury liability coverage per accident
- $5,000 for property damage liability per accident
Who should purchase trip interruption coverage?
Because trip interruption coverage is not mandatory, choosing to purchase it is a personal decision that should be made based on your personal motorcycle habits. If biking a distance that’s greater than 100 miles from your home is a very rare experience, then trip interruption coverage is probably not something from which you would benefit.
On the other hand, if you love to travel great distances frequently via motorcycle, or at least a few times a year, trip interruption coverage may come in handy in the event that you have an accident or your bike breaks down mid-trip, preventing you from enjoying your trip in full.
What if my motorcycle takes a long time to repair?
Trip interruption coverage is intended to cover the costs of lodging and food while an unusable motorcycle is being repaired. The amount of money in lodging and food expenses that trip interruption coverage usually offers is around $500 or $600.
In the event that a motorcycle takes longer to repair than expected, and the cost of lodging and meals exceeds the coverage limits, a motorcyclist will typically have to pay the additional expenses out of pocket.
Who will pay for the damage to my motorcycle?
If your motorcycle was damaged in an accident, trip interruption coverage does not cover the cost of your motorcycle repairs. In this case, you may look to your own policy to see which coverage you have that might cover the repairs. If somebody else caused the accident, then you can file a tort claim against that party under Pennsylvania law to recover property damage costs.
Do I need an attorney?
If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident in Pennsylvania that resulted in injuries, an attorney can help you pursue compensation from the at-fault party. Keep in mind that PA Cons. Stat. Sec. 5524 limits the time you have to file a claim to two years. At Cordisco & Saile LLC, our attorneys will work to make sure that you get the benefit amount you deserve. Call us now at 215-642-2335.