You need to be able to trust your doctor. Choosing a doctor or maintaining a trust relationship with a doctor is an essential step in acquiring quality health care for you and your family.
If you suspect that your doctor may have a history of malpractice, or if you simply want to research potential doctor’s professional histories, there are resources available that will help you. Read on to learn how to check if a doctor has committed medical malpractice.

Where can I find information about a doctor’s history?
Doctors are licensed in the state where they practice. Any disciplinary actions, suspensions, or other penalties are tied directly to the medical license and are recorded within the doctor’s home state.
Each state’s medical board keeps files on medical disciplinary actions and must allow the public access to this information. This does not allow you to check if a doctor has committed medical malpractice though. You may search for court cases involving the physician to determine if he or she has been involved in a medical malpractice case.
The American Medical Association (AMA) provides a list of state board websites so you can find your state’s site and begin your search.
What do I look for once I find my state’s information?
Each state medical board’s website will look a little different, but the same information regarding licensing status and disciplinary history should be available on each one. For example, Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs offers access to information via direct links to disciplinary actions (which are provided by month and year, and can be downloaded to view every disciplinary action recorded in a specific timeframe) and license verification checks.
You can search for your doctor by name or license number to access a snapshot of his or her license status and disciplinary history. The license number, dates of license issue, last renewal and expiration will be listed along with the disciplinary actions taken against the physician, all in one place.
What does it mean if my doctor has disciplinary actions against him?
The information you gain from visiting state medical board websites can be confusing, especially when researching a doctor that you already know.
If you feel that your doctor is a good and trusted health care partner and are simply curious about his or her background, ask the doctor about any concerning findings you come across. Unless the doctor’s license is suspended or revoked, a disciplinary issue could be explained in a way that will satisfy your concerns.
What if I feel like I’ve been the victim of medical malpractice?
If you are researching a doctor’s history because you feel that you’ve been treated with substandard care or negligence by that doctor, you may need to speak with an attorney who is familiar with malpractice suits. You may be entitled to compensation for any additional medical bills, pain and suffering or lost time at work that resulted from poor medical treatment by your doctor.
A medical malpractice attorney will know what questions to ask to determine if you have a viable case and will help you build your file against the responsible party.
Get Help with Medical Malpractice Cases in Pennsylvania at Cordisco & Saile LLC
If you were the victim of medical malpractice and suffered serious damages, you may need legal representation to help you pursue your case. Cordisco & Saile LLC handles medical malpractice cases for victims. Call us today at 215-642-2335 to schedule your appointment with an attorney so you can review your case details.