Being harmed on a bus can be a scary experience. If another passenger has assaulted or otherwise caused you physical harm, you have the right to compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering. And depending on your circumstances, you may even have the right to sue the bus company. Here are some frequently asked questions about suing a bus company after being attacked on a bus.

When can I sue a bus company?
You have the right to sue a bus company for your injuries if a bus company — or a bus company’s employee, like a driver — does something negligent to contribute to your injuries. Negligence in this context is defined as an unreasonable act that causes harm to a passenger. A bus company is liable for any negligent action a bus driver takes in the course of employment under the concept of vicarious liability.
What are examples of negligence that could lead to passenger harm?
When another passenger harms you, it may be in part due to the bus driver’s negligence. For example, it may be considered negligent of a driver to let a person aboard who appears dangerous or aggressive. Or a driver may be considered negligent if he or she notices another person attacking you but fails to take reasonable action to stop the attack.
How do I prove negligence?
If you want to recover compensation from a bus company, you’ll have to prove negligence. If you don’t, then the bus company won’t be held liable for any harm you’ve suffered.
Negligence can be proven by gathering evidence to substantiate your claim. In this circumstance, one of the most valuable evidence types may be the testimony of other passengers on the bus who were witness to the accident.
Are there any other ways to obtain compensation?
In addition to filing a lawsuit against the bus company, consider filing a lawsuit against the person who caused you harm. This is especially true if the harm was also part of a criminal act, like assault.
How can I move forward with my claim?
The statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Pennsylvania is two years. If you don’t file within that timeline, then you will not be able to recover damages.
To start moving forward with your claim today, contact an attorney. An attorney can help determine whether or not you have a strong case and whether pursuing a claim against a bus company based on negligence is reasonable. An attorney can help file a claim against the person who harmed you.
At Cordisco & Saile LLC, we’re ready to get to work! Call us at 215-642-2335 to start or fill out our online contact form.