Home > $2,900,000 Settlement for Motorcycle Accident Client Following Traumatic Brain Injury
$2,900,000 Settlement for Motorcycle Accident Client Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Case Type: Personal Injury - Motorcycle Accident

Our client, a 30 year-old male, was seriously injured when the driver of a corporate box truck crossed over both through lanes of eastbound traffic on Street Road in Bensalem, blocking our client’s lane of travel resulting in the crash.
Injuries included a traumatic brain injury with resulting cognitive/behavioral and emotional impairment, comminuted fracture of the femoral shaft requiring surgery, right orbital floor fracture and displaced nasal bone fracture. The client required extensive medical treatment, physical/occupational therapy in addition to neuropsychological treatment.
Through deposition testimony and discovery, it was established that the corporate Defendant had no formal training of its employee drivers, nor did they have any safety protocols or procedures. After a day of mediation, the case resolved in a settlement of $2,900,000.
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